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RICO: Decentralized Apps and Autonomous Organizations


  • Eliminate the need for centralized banks, governments, organizations, and corporations
  • Start an online marketplace and job board for entrepreneurs and small business owners (Web 3.0, AI, Metaverse)
  • Replace the need for 9-5 jobs with crypto contracts (CC)
  • Remove the need for stores of value such as banks or passive investments (mutual/index funds, 401K, social security, pension) -> replace with passive private equity portfolios of local businesses (Web 3.0 crypto hedge funds)

Replace Web 2.0 technology:

  • Amazon/Silk Road
  • Uber/Lyft
  • Uber Eats/Doordash

Future Sci-Fi technology:

  • RICO from WestWorld (cryptocurrency/blockchain/smart contracts)
  • JARVIS from Iron Man (AI)
  • Black Mirror Dating Matchmaking AI App (AI)


Silicon Valley Bank - Q: How do you run a business without relying on a bank for handling money? A: Cryptocurrency and smart contracts


RICO - Real Estate (Westworld)

  • Incorporate decentralized property deeds onto blockchain (allow anonymous ownership? maybe ownership should be verified, but allow anonymous renters and lease payments)
  • Speed up property ownership and process of transferring to new owners
  • Allow easy rentals (short and long term, can also be applied to autonomous cars)