Great Wealth Transfer
May 28, 2023 - 3:29 AM
- Start off story from Great Wealth Transfer screenplay
- Son inherits estate (or half of the estate - split with sibling) from his late mother who died of X reason (fill in later)
- Lives in a future where people are so poor due to resources being horded by billionaires (extreme wealth gap) that M.A.I.D. services are extremely popular as a way of escaping crippling debt while giving their families a chance to finally start saving up to escape their hyper-consumer/indentured servitude lifestyle
- Son decides to set aside aside $100,000 of the $1,000,000 for a futuristic/dystopian tech company who serves luxury death packages for anyone who (recently legally) wants to end their life -> he does this as a last resort (if he can't grow the estate to $10,000,000)
If picked up for an entire season, the show will teach financial problem solving and tech savvy investing (Web 3.0) by showing other people's lives in each episode by how they earn, save, and invest their resources