LeagueMatch.US/Battle City
-> PLAY tennis for (almost) FREE ANYWHERE in the world -> REDUCE COST BY 90%
- Web3-Court-Reservations (blockchain + crypto payments)
- AI-Matchmaking (implement Elo + TrueSkill algorithms)
- Ranked-Ladder (first tennis, then all sports + games)
- NFT-Battle-Pass (after sending a transaction and submitting score on the blockchain, both players are eligible to earn NFT badges -> 1 for losing, 2 for winning, gas fees must be paid to add scores and claim NFTs)
-> STEAL back the money of the bottom 99% from the top 1%
- Web3 E-commerce for local communities (2.9% DAO platform fee for small businesses, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, cooperatives)
- Venture Capital and Crypto Hedge Fund/Tax Haven (hide taxable income from government/IRS)
- Gamify work and promote more local, community-centric venture capital by adding NFT incentives for top performing portfolios (% based, 3 minimum company equity required to participate: e.g. Marconi's, Dean's Deli, )
Web3 Pet Adoption
-> HELP as many animals as possible
- Pokemon/Digimon/Tamagotchi NFT collection game: every adopted pet in nonprofit animal shelters come with NFT that has tax-deductible expense metadata (average monthly cost to care for pets = tax write-off)
-> GAMIFY e-commerce
- Make games