RICO - Web3 Ecommerce/Jobs/Venture Capital/Crypto Hedge Fund/stock market simulator (gamified high school economics)
- blog
- web3-crowdfunding
- NFT-marketplace
LeagueMatch.US - AI Matchmaking and Solo Ranked Leagues
- NYC_courts_map
Project Actuary/OASIS - online school (business/entrepreneurship/Web3)
- budget_tracker
- real-estate-web3
Project Ideas
Note: Some ideas work better on Web 2, but figure out what ideas are worth building for Web 3.0 first
- RICO - Job Matchmaking (component with NFTs)
- Collect NFTs with pay perks (salary bonus multipliers, equity/profit sharing)
- Smart contracts with pay increases depending on what NFTs and badges you collect at each company
- Maintain a collection throughout your career that new employers can see and make offers based on that
- Decentralized crypto job board (Crypto Contracts)
FreeCodeCamp Tutorials
- Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course
- Blockchain for Beginners Tutorial – Learn to Code Smart Contracts with JavaScript and Solidity
- Donating a Million Dollars to freeCodeCamp to Develop a Free, Carbon-Neutral Web3 Curriculum
- Design DAO (Decentralized Audtonomous Organization)
- Learn Solidity (Alchemy)
- Build Dapp (decentralized app)
- ETHGlobal NYC Hackathon? (9/22 - 9/24)
- RICO -> Web3 Gig Economy/NFT Equity (Great Wealth Transfer/Venture Capital)
- [LeagueMatch] -> sports leagues/ranked ladders (AI + blockchain = automated + decentralized)
- [OASIS] -> online school (personal finance, economics, business, technology, entrepreneurship)
- CS50 - 2023
- ZeroToMastery - Solidity, Ethereum, And Blockchain The Complete Developer's Guide
- React - The Complete Guide 2023
- Next.js 13 - SaaS Project (Blog Posting Platform)
- Smart Contracts w/ AI
Projects (Web2 -> Web3)
- Bumble clone
- PetFinder clone
- Stock market game from high school economics class (passive/mutual funds -> small business/entrepreneurs/anti-corpo)
- NFT Marketplace
- UE5 - FreeCodeCamp
- React Complete Guide - Udemy
- SQL - Udemy
- Python and Data Science - Udemy
Ongoing Tutorials
Goal: Design and Build MVPs
- RICO.work
- LeagueMatch.US (v. 0.1)
January 2024
- Web3 Pet Adoption app (Section 43 ~5.5 hours -> 30 minutes/day) Udemy
- JS multiplayer game (6 hours -> 30 minutes/day) YouTube
- JS Interactive Tutorial FreeCodeCamp
- Pushups (32 reps)
- Pullups (10 reps) + Hanging Knee Tucks (32 reps)
- Code (1 hour)
- Read (20 pages/20 minutes)
- The Hobbit
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
- The Organization Man
- The Big Short
- Liar's Poker
- Inventing Reality
- Snow Crash
- The Fourth Turning
February 2024
- React Complete Guide - Udemy
- Finish Web3 Pet Adoption app Udemy
- Continue JS Interactive Tutorial FreeCodeCamp
- Web3 Pokemon Go (NFT Geolocation) App
Front End Components
- Ranked Ladder/Leaderboard
- tennis-ranked-ladder
- react-tennis-ladder
- Tennis Court Map (Leaflet.js)
- NYC-courts-map
March 2024
- Blockchain Developer, Solidity, Foundry Full Course 2023
- Finish Web3 Pet Adoption app Udemy
- NFT-marketplace
Current Components
- RICO-blog (Next.js, Sanity.io)
- NYC-courts-map (react-leaflet)
- react-tennis-ladder (ChatGPT ELO Ratings)
New Components
- Web3 Buy Me a Coffee (Next.js donation component for RICO blog)
- Stadium Tennis Center web app (Next.js, Firebase?)
- court-reservations
- tennis-rankings
- firebase-auth
August 2024
Weekly (SRC29)
- Stretch
- Read 5 hours (50% audio/50% book)
- Code 5-10 hours (1 hr./day)
- 29 Reps/day
- pushups, pullups (last), hanging leg raises, squats, OR lunges (pick ONE)
- starting on 33rd birthday: every 2 months, add a workout to a permanent rotation (October: 1 workout x 29 reps, December: 2 workouts x 29 reps, February: 3x29 reps, April: 4x29)
- Bike 20 miles (good weather)
October 2024
- NYJTL tennis coach (part-time)
- HPD Tech IT job application (Deadline: 10/9/24)
- Design web app for NYJTL/Sradium Tennis Center (solo queue ranked ladder)
- Add Pinia and Firestore database
- Fix Leaderboard component
- Set up basic Elo Matchmaking/MMR system
- Plan Web3 components (ChatGPT)