

🤟 Welcome to my tech blog. 💻





RICO - Web3 Ecommerce/Jobs/Venture Capital/Crypto Hedge Fund/stock market simulator (gamified high school economics)

  1. blog
  2. web3-crowdfunding
  3. NFT-marketplace

LeagueMatch.US - AI Matchmaking and Solo Ranked Leagues

  1. NYC_courts_map

Project Actuary/OASIS - online school (business/entrepreneurship/Web3)

  1. budget_tracker
  2. real-estate-web3

Project Ideas

Note: Some ideas work better on Web 2, but figure out what ideas are worth building for Web 3.0 first

  • RICO - Job Matchmaking (component with NFTs)
    • Collect NFTs with pay perks (salary bonus multipliers, equity/profit sharing)
    • Smart contracts with pay increases depending on what NFTs and badges you collect at each company
    • Maintain a collection throughout your career that new employers can see and make offers based on that
    • Decentralized crypto job board (Crypto Contracts)


  1. Blog
  2. Crowdfunding/Kickstarter
  3. NFT Marketplace
  4. Real-Estate
  5. Solidity/React - Udemy

FreeCodeCamp Tutorials

  1. Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course
  2. Blockchain for Beginners Tutorial – Learn to Code Smart Contracts with JavaScript and Solidity
  3. Donating a Million Dollars to freeCodeCamp to Develop a Free, Carbon-Neutral Web3 Curriculum




  1. Design DAO (Decentralized Audtonomous Organization)
  2. Learn Solidity (Alchemy)
  3. Build Dapp (decentralized app)


  • ETHGlobal NYC Hackathon? (9/22 - 9/24)


  1. RICO -> Web3 Gig Economy/NFT Equity (Great Wealth Transfer/Venture Capital)
  2. [LeagueMatch] -> sports leagues/ranked ladders (AI + blockchain = automated + decentralized)
  3. [OASIS] -> online school (personal finance, economics, business, technology, entrepreneurship)


  1. Blockchain Developer, Solidity, Foundry Full Course 2023
  2. Alchemy - Road to Web3



  1. CS50 - 2023
  2. ZeroToMastery - Solidity, Ethereum, And Blockchain The Complete Developer's Guide
  3. React - The Complete Guide 2023
  4. Next.js 13 - SaaS Project (Blog Posting Platform)
  5. Smart Contracts w/ AI

Projects (Web2 -> Web3)

  • Bumble clone
  • PetFinder clone
  • Stock market game from high school economics class (passive/mutual funds -> small business/entrepreneurs/anti-corpo)


  1. NFT Marketplace
  2. UE5 - FreeCodeCamp
  3. React Complete Guide - Udemy
  4. SQL - Udemy
  5. Python and Data Science - Udemy

Ongoing Tutorials

  1. Unreal Engine 5 GTA 6 Tutorial Series
  2. Python Crash Course - Net Ninja

Goal: Design and Build MVPs

  1. RICO.work
  2. LeagueMatch.US (v. 0.1)

January 2024

  • Web3 Pet Adoption app (Section 43 ~5.5 hours -> 30 minutes/day) Udemy
  • JS multiplayer game (6 hours -> 30 minutes/day) YouTube
  • JS Interactive Tutorial FreeCodeCamp


  • Pushups (32 reps)
  • Pullups (10 reps) + Hanging Knee Tucks (32 reps)
  • Code (1 hour)
  • Read (20 pages/20 minutes)


  1. The Hobbit
  2. The Fellowship of the Ring
  3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  4. The Organization Man
  5. The Big Short


  1. Liar's Poker
  2. Inventing Reality
  3. Snow Crash
  4. The Fourth Turning

February 2024

  1. React Complete Guide - Udemy
  2. Finish Web3 Pet Adoption app Udemy
  3. Continue JS Interactive Tutorial FreeCodeCamp
  4. Web3 Pokemon Go (NFT Geolocation) App

Front End Components

  1. Ranked Ladder/Leaderboard
    • tennis-ranked-ladder
    • react-tennis-ladder
  2. Tennis Court Map (Leaflet.js)
    • NYC-courts-map

March 2024

  1. Blockchain Developer, Solidity, Foundry Full Course 2023
  2. Finish Web3 Pet Adoption app Udemy
  3. NFT-marketplace

Current Components

  1. RICO-blog (Next.js, Sanity.io)
  2. NYC-courts-map (react-leaflet)
  3. react-tennis-ladder (ChatGPT ELO Ratings)

New Components

  1. Web3 Buy Me a Coffee (Next.js donation component for RICO blog)
  2. Stadium Tennis Center web app (Next.js, Firebase?)
    • court-reservations
    • tennis-rankings
    • firebase-auth


August 2024

  1. Solidity Smart Contract Development
  2. MySQL Bootcamp

Weekly (SRC29)

  1. Stretch
  2. Read 5 hours (50% audio/50% book)
  3. Code 5-10 hours (1 hr./day)
  4. 29 Reps/day
    • pushups, pullups (last), hanging leg raises, squats, OR lunges (pick ONE)
    • starting on 33rd birthday: every 2 months, add a workout to a permanent rotation (October: 1 workout x 29 reps, December: 2 workouts x 29 reps, February: 3x29 reps, April: 4x29)
  5. Bike 20 miles (good weather)


October 2024

  1. Nuxt & Pinia Firestore Tutorial
  2. NFT Marketplace
  3. MySQL Bootcamp


  • NYJTL tennis coach (part-time)
  • HPD Tech IT job application (Deadline: 10/9/24)
  • Design web app for NYJTL/Sradium Tennis Center (solo queue ranked ladder)


  1. Add Pinia and Firestore database
  2. Fix Leaderboard component
  3. Set up basic Elo Matchmaking/MMR system
  4. Plan Web3 components (ChatGPT)