Life goals
- Write book
- Make a game
- Start a nonprofit (animals, tennis, education)
- Bike 100,000 miles
2.5 year goals
Move to Cali for 29 months (2.5 year goal: 10/29/26 -> 10/29/29)
- Build MVPs for RICO.work and LeagueMatch.US
- Save $50,000 - 100,000 (~1-2 years $80,000 IT job)
- Bike total 2.9k miles and learn bike maintenance (part-time bike shop -> RICO)
- Move to Cali (ship PC and bike)
- Set up business => Web3/blockchain/IT/cybersecurity consultancy/game dev studio
- Build NFT blockchain leagues and crypto payment system for OS NYC
5 year goals
Build AI (JARVIS) for cars and houses (smart assistant/dashboard)
- Start business with Howard and Andrew => Electronics Repair Shop (Mr. Robot) + Game Arcade/Gym Facility (VR laser tag and tennis eventually)
- AI serves as brain/core mainframe for cars and homes
- Ask AI to diagnose car problems/ask house if anything in house needs repair
Launch RICO.nft (Web3 Kickstarter/Hedge Fund/VC)
- Web3 Consulting for entrepreneurs and small business owners (Kickstarter/VC/Crypto Hedge Fund) ### Launch BattleCity.US/OASIS (Web3 Decentralized Olympics)
- Decentralized Tennis Federation (DTF)
Pre-Cali To-Do (NYC)
[] Bike to every tennis court in NYC [] Set up King of the Court at every court (BattleCity/LeagueMatch Web3 component) [] ranked-leaderboard [] NFT-battle-pass [] RICO v.0.1 (MVP) [] NFT Venture Capital for small businesses/entrepreneurs